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Sample Calendar of Tennis Events


Club Night
Every Tuesday night at 7:30 pm
Individual and group sessions, year-round for all levels


Hitting Practice for  Beginners
Saturday mornings 10am  (Add your name to the noticeboard list if interested)


Social Mornings 
Thursdays at 10am 


Munster Tennis Winter  League 


Cork Regional League 
March to June. 6 per team, mixed grades


Spring Weekend Charity Tournament
A competition for members with proceeds going to a local charity.


Easter Egg Tournament - April


Tennis Ireland Senior Open Tournament
For all grades. These continue through the summer. See the Tennis Ireland webpage for details.


Munster Tennis Summer Cup
Team competition running from June to September


St Michael’s Senior  Open tournament
September 15th – September 22nd


Munster Tennis Winter League 
November to April


Internal Winter League 
Team competition in November


Turkey Tournament 


​St Stephen’s Day 
Social tennis and refreshments


Please note: 
Anybody who wishes to be considered for club teams or anybody who wishes to participate  in open competitions must first be registered with Tennis Ireland. Keep an eye on the club noticeboard for further details of these events and club updates  throughout the year.

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